Monday, 27 October 2008


Rachael Folds, a 35yr old former stone mason .Working as a stonemason one of my tasks involved programming machinery using CAD/CAM technologies. This collaboration with technology heightened my interest in computing and related issues.
As a consequence, I attended DMU in 2001 and studied for the Women’s Access to Information Technology Certificate (WAIT).

I thoroughly enjoyed the course and had the urge to study further. To date I have obtained a HNC Business Information Technology, HNC+HND Computing and a BSc (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering. All of these qualifications were achieved by working and studying full-time.
The opportunity to study fulltime and not have to commit myself to work simultaneously was a great driver for me to join the course as well as the diversity the course promotes. Obtaining the bursary has enabled my focus to be concerned wholly with learning new things and obtaining new skills.

I have particularly enjoyed spending time with other group members with a very diverse background, and feel this has enabled me to get in touch with my creative side which in previous programs has been restricted.
I am currently involved with a project for a local bespoke furniture manufacturer which will enable him to create customer layout plans simply and quickly for the design of commissioned home installations.

After completing the Creative Technologies course, I would very much like to continue my studies by undertaking a PhD.
Topics that interest me greatly are:

• Human Computer Interaction
• Artificial Intelligence
• History
• 3D modelling / Concepts

It would be my ultimate goal to be fortunate to study within a multidisciplinary project that involved my passion for architecture, history and 3D modelling.

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